Accreditation and AoL Teams
The AACSB Standards
AACSB’s business standards have continued to be revised to ensure quality and continuous improvement in collegiate business education throughout the years. An appointed Business Accreditation Task Force, with widespread input from member schools, developed the current business standards, which were adopted by the AACSB Accreditation Council in July 2020.
The nine standards are organized into three categories: management and innovation, success, and thought leadership, engagement, and societal impact. The standards are built around the three themes of engagement, innovation, and impact. These themes are integrated throughout the standards to challenge and assist schools in striving for continuous quality improvement.
Learn more about the importance of AACSB accreditation.
Assurance of Learning
Assurance of Learning (AoL) is the process CoBA uses to determine how well stated program learning expectations are being met through a variety of assessment activities. AoL is scheduled around program student learning outcomes (PSLOs) which state what a student will be able to do upon completion of a program. CoBA has seven undergraduate PSLOs and six graduate PSLOs (same PSLOs for FEMBA and SMBA).
Of particular importance is the use of the results to inform our program—a key part of “closing the loop.” When results indicate students are not meeting expectations, we make a change in the curriculum, reassess, and note how the change affected the outcome. AoL is a sustained process by which we continually strive to improve and advance our programs.