Tourism Industry Confidence Index
The San Diego Tourism Confidence Index has been developed by the Cal State University San Marcos College of Business Administration and the San Diego Business Journal over the past four years. The index is calculated from specific survey responses to questions focused on overall business operations and opportunities related to Tourism in San Diego County; distributed to local businesses, the most recent survey received 34 responses, and the results are as follows. A result above 50 indicates optimism and below 50 indicates lack of confidence.
The graph shows the steep increase in industry confidence from 50 in Fall 2020 to 90.87 in Spring 2021 due to the ease of COVID-19 restrictions.

79.63% said their number of employees would increase in the next 6 months.
94.44% said their revenues would increase in the next 6 months.
83.33% said their profits would increase in the next 6 months.
70.37% anticipate business will return to pre-pandemic levels in 1-2 years.
View the Spring 2021 ADA Accessible Report.
*These documents and graphics may not be reproduced or otherwise used without express written permission from the College of Business Administration at Cal State University San Marcos*