Public Service Sector Economic Impact Analyses
North County Fire Protection District (NCFPD) Economic Impact Analyses

The full report is not available but the following data/excerpts were delivered to the North County Fire Protection District.
Project Initiative:
- The OBRA Office was asked to research additional revenue streams for the NCFPD to fund the growing needs of the North County San Diego community.
North Country Fire Protection District Annual Economic Impact:
- The total economic impact of the department is 27 million which includes direct employment, indirect employment, and commerce generated from operations.
Increase in Fire Outbreaks:
Throughout the years, the duration of the fire season gets longer and much more severe, climate change plays a major factor. The number of fires has doubled in the western United States between 1984 and 2015 and California has had the worst fires nationwide. According to Cal Fire, from January 2016, through December 2016, there were 4,785 fires in the state of California alone. A year later, from January 2017, through April 2017, there was an increase of 67% with 7,117 fires within the state. Due to understaffing, more so in California, the demand placed on firefighters in the United States continues to rise.

Aniticipated Population Growth for North County:
The population within the NCFPD jurisdiction in 2010 totaling 49,334 people, while in 2019 it grew to 52,911 people. The population is projected to grow to 54,904 people by 2024. The line graph indicates a positive slope for the total population at an estimated annual growth rate of 0.74% between 2019 and 2024.
Anticipated Housing Growth for North County:
In 2010 there were 18,696 housing units, while in 2019 there were 19,676. Estimated projections for 2024 are set to rise to 20,317 total housing units. The positive slope in the graph below indicate the need for NCFPD services as population and housing rates continue to rise. However, the district will require more funding to provide needed services to the growing population within the community.
Revenue Generating Options Researched for ROI:
- Short term rental inspections
- Residential annual inspection programs
- Business license inspections
- False alarm billing
- Fire code violation billing
- Intergovernmental agreements
- First responder fees
- Floating mill levies
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