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Nano PharmaSolutions, Inc.

Nano PharmaSolutions Team

Project Summary: 

The team conducted a marketing research plan for Nano PharmaSolutions that included quantifying the unrealized financial, medical, and social costs associated with prematurely canceling preclinical research efforts on poorly soluble drug substance candidates. By using widely accepted information collection approaches, our team evaluated easily accessible research and development cost data to ascertain the lost opportunity costs estimated by the R&D costs of pharmaceutical companies obtained from various sources. The result of our finding is that if we use our sponsor’s assumption that their nanoformulation technology can decrease the failure rate due to solubility by half, the success rate for drug development can increase from 8.1% to 26.5%. Also, through calculation we were able to decrease the testing cost of drug development in the preclinical phase. 

Student Team Members: Damon Ball, Diane Uriarte, Bin Woo, Luxue Zheng, Kevin Nguyen

Faculty Advisor: Robert Aboolian, Ph.D.

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