Contacts and Resources
Administrative Analyst/Specialist in the Academic Senate Office
- Kellogg Library 5004
- (760) 750-4058
The person holding this staff position will answer questions about the course grade appeal process, provide guidance, walk students through the process, and assist students who submit materials via the online website.
Please read section VI. Grade Appeal Process of the policy which defines the role of consultants in the grade appeal process.
Office of the Dean of Students
- University Student Union 3500
- 760-750-4935
Cougar Care Network (CCN)
- University Student Union 3500
- 760-750-7627
Associated Students, Inc
- University Student Union 3700
- 760-750-4990
Your Faculty Advisor
locations vary, see directory
Disability Support Services
For students with disabilities needing assistance
- Administrative Building 4200/4300
- 760-750-4905