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Credit for Military Service (ACE-Recommended Military Credit)

CSUSM grants undergraduate or graduate credit for learning acquired through education, training and service provided by the Armed Forces of the United States as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE) Military Guide. Below is a list of ACE-recommended courses and the equivalent courses/requirements at CSUSM.

If you have any questions regarding the evaluation of your military transcript and/or requests for application of a specific ACE-recommended course to a course at CSUSM, please contact the Office of the Registrar at

Note: the number of units transferred is equal to the units recommended by the ACE evaluation.

ACE-Recommended Course Title

Effective Dates

Credit Recommendation

CSUSM Equivalent

Army Recruiting (AR-1406-0103)

1/2014  - Present

Interpersonal communication, 3 units

GE A1 Oral Communication

Basic Recruiter (MC-0327-0001)

0/1999 - Present

Public Speaking, 3 units

GE A1 Oral Communication

Instructor (NEC-9502-004)

1/2013 – Present

Speech, 3 units

GE A1 Oral Communication

Recruiter Canvasser (NEC-9585-012)

1/2009 – Present

Interpersonal communication, 3 units

GE A1 Oral Communication

Navy Instructor Training (NV-1406-0044)

10/2012 – Present

Interpersonal communication, 3 units

GE A1 Oral Communication

Enlisted Navy Recruiting Orientation (NV-1406-0049

12/2008 – 9/2019

Interpersonal communication, 3 units

GE A1 Oral Communication

Enlisted Navy Recruiting Orientation (NV-1406-0049

10/2019 – Present

Communications, 3 units

GE A1 Oral Communication

Prototype Training (NV-1732-0028)

1/1990 – 5/2019

Communications, 3 units

GE A1 Oral Communication

Nuclear Propulsion Plan Operator Mechanical (NC-1732-0029)

1/1990 – 12/2006

Oral communications, 3 units

GE A1 Oral Communication

Prototype Training (NV-1732-0029)


Communications, 3 units

GE A1 Oral Communication

Prototype Training (NV-1732-0029)

6/2019 - Present

Technical communications, 3 units

GE A1 Oral Communication

Medical Laboratory Specialist  (AR-0702-0022)

12/2005 – 1/2012

General Chemistry, 5 units

Medical Laboratory, 1 unit

GE B1 Life Sciences

GE B3 Laboratory

Medical Laboratory Specialist  (AR-0702-0022)

2/2012 – 4/2014

Microbiology, 3 units

Intro to Medical Laboratory, 3 units

GE B2 Biological Sciences

GE B3 Laboratory

Medical Laboratory Specialist  (AR-0702-0022)

5/2014 - Present

Microbiology, 4 units

Intro to Medical Laboratory, 3 units

GE B2 Biological Sciences

GE B3 Laboratory