Preferred Name Procedure
CSUSM recognizes students may identify themselves by a name other than their legal name. Acknowledging this, students may have their first name changed to a preferred name that better reflects their identity.
Where Will Your Preferred First Name Appear?
Legal Name
- Transcripts
- Enrollment Verification
- Financial Aid & Scholarship Documents
- Payroll (student employees)
- Any legal document produced by the University
Preferred Name
- Class Rosters
- CSUSM Student ID Card*
- CSUSM Email Display Name
- MyCSUSM Student Center
- Official email communications
* If you need a new physical ID card, please follow the hyperlink for instructions.
University offices are only able to look up student records by student ID or legal name. It is recommended you bring your student ID card with you when requesting assistance from any department on campus.
If you are changing your name mid-semester, please notify your instructors to avoid grading discrepancies.
Request a Preferred and/or Diploma Name
It can take up to 3 business days for the request to be processed, and 5 business days after processing for the preferred name to be reflected in the various third party platforms utilized by the campus community.
IMPORTANT: your preferred first name will not be automatically reflected on your diploma. If you would like a first or middle name different from your legal name on your diploma, you must also update your diploma name.
- Step 1: Go to your Student Center in MyCSUSM
Click on Names under the Personal Information section
- Step 2: Select the type of name you wish you update
For a preferred name (which will appear in the places listed on the page above), select Preferred. To select a first name different from your legal name for your diploma, select Diploma. Click Add.
- Step 3: Enter your preferred or diploma name
Your current preferred or diploma name will appear at the top. Enter your requested name in the fields on the bottom. Click Save.
All done!