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Summer 2024

Enrollment Begins March 25
Open enrollment begins April 15 (all students, including non-degree seeking and Open University students, may enroll beginning on this date).

Students on Academic Notice (and many first year students who started in Fall 2023) must request an enrollment date. See Enrollment Date Requests section below information.

Also, CSUSM Housing is available for Summer 2024! Conveniently located with great amenities. Contact us at for details and pricing.

Search Summer 2024 Classes

Key Enrollment Dates and Deadlines

Enrollment Limits: 13 units enrolled and 10 units waitlisted

Dates Descriptions
Dec 7, 2023

Summer class schedule available

March 25, 2024          

Continuing student enrollment begins

  • Students may enroll in up to 13 units 
  • Students may waitlist up to 10 units
Students on Academic Notice (and many first year students who started in Fall 2023) must request an enrollment date. See below for contact information.
April 15

Open enrollment begins

All matriculated students may enroll (i.e., an enrollment date is not required to enroll and students enrolling through Open University are eligible to enroll)
June 2                                                            DEADLINE Drop all courses using MyCSUSM until 11:59 p.m. and receive full refund of fees, less any administrative charge. Students who drop after this date will be charged prorated fees for each day that has elapsed from the first day of the term
June 3

INSTRUCTION BEGINS First day of Summer classes that meet the full session of the term (10 weeks), 8-week session of the term, and the first 5-week session of the term.

Permission number required to enroll in classes that meet the full session of the term (10 weeks) and those that meet for the first 5-week session of the term.

June 3 - 9 Add/drop period: Students may add and drop classes in MyCSUSM without a grade penalty (i.e., no record of the class on the transcript). 
June 10 - 21 Students may withdraw from classes that meet full session of the term (10 weeks), 8-week session of the term, and the first 5-week session of the term in MyCSUSM without a petition. Dropping a class during this period will result in a W grade.
June 22 Withdrawal petition required to withdraw from classes that meet the full session of the term (10 weeks), 8-week session of the term, and the first 5-week session of the term.
July 8
  • First day of instruction for classes that meet the second 5-week session of the term
  • Permission number required to enroll in classes that met the second 5-week session of the term
July 8 - 14 Add/drop period: Students may add and drop classes that meet the second 5-week session of the term in MyCSUSM without a grade penalty (i.e., no record of the class on the transcript). 
July 15 - 17 Students may withdraw from classes that meet second 5-week session of the term in MyCSUSM without a petition. Dropping a class during this period will result in a W grade.
July 18 Withdrawal petition required to withdraw from classes that meet the second 5-week session of the term.
August 10 Last day of classes that meet full session of the term (10 weeks) and the second 5-week session of the term.
August 15 Grades due from instructors; though grades may be viewed immediately following the grade submission deadline for instructors, grades are not official until Friday, August 23, 2024 at 5:00pm PST.
August 23
Fall 2024 official grades available on MyCSUSM

Enrollment Date Requests*

First Year Students If you are a first year students who started in Fall 23 and do not have a Summer enrollment date, please contact one of the following:

(1) Instructor for UNIV 100A class OR

(2) Success coach OR

(3) Specialized program contact

Students on Academic Notice All students on Academic Notice who would like to enroll in summer classes should contact Academic Advising.