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Enrollment Issues (Pre-Requisites, Independent Study, Late Enrollment)

You may run into challenges during the enrollment process (e.g. pre-requisites). Below are four sets of instructions for requesting assistance from our office, including:

Please review instructions carefully, as requests with missing information may delay your enrollment.

General Enrollment Issues Instructions

If you are experiencing enrollment issues that do not require an approved waiver of a pre-requisite, independent study or late enrollment approval (see below for those instructions), please email, using the following format:

  1. Please submit all the information in one email. Requests with all the required information will be expedited during the enrollment period. Any request with missing information will delay your enrollment.

The email subject should include the Course number, "Enrollment Issue” and Enrollment Appointment/Time (e.g. HD 302 Enrollment Issue April 14, 8am). In the body of the email please include the following;

Your Name
Student ID
Appointment Date and Time
Class # (5 digit)
Course Title (e.g. HD 302)
Description of issue

**To allow enrollment in two classes that have a time conflict, approval from both instructors is required.

Pre-Req Waiver Instructions

An approved pre-requisite waiver is required to enroll in a course for which you have not yet completed the appropriate pre-requisite (e.g. you are currently enrolled in a pre-requisite course at Palomar College and our office has not yet received a transcript).

  1. Email the faculty teaching the course or faculty designee (e.g. academic advisor) and provide evidence (transcripts; degree audit, etc.) that prerequisites have been satisfied. Request for the faculty or approved designee to reply to the message with their approval.
  2. Forward the approval(s) to Please submit all the information in one email. Requests with all the required information will be expedited during the early enrollment period. 
    • For CoBA students, if you are qualified to enroll in the class, an advisor will submit your enrollment approval to on your behalf.

The email subject should include the Course number, "Pre-req waiver" and Enrollment Appointment/Time (e.g. HD 302 Pre-req Waiver April 14, 8am). In the body of the email please include the following:

Your Name
Student ID
Appointment Date and Time
Class # (5 digit)
Course Title (e.g. SPAN 101)
Prerequisite class:
Permission # (if needed*)



 Prerequisite Example

*Please note that approval to override prerequisites does not indicate permission to occupy a seat in the course (permission numbers are required beginning the second week of the semester and for courses that require instructor consent). Likewise, a permission number does not indicate prerequisites have been met. Only the faculty of record or designee may waive prerequisites.

For additional questions about pre-requisites and your degree plan Contact the Office of Academic Advising 

Independent Study/Research & Internship Contract Instructions

Faculty and Department Chair/Program Director approval is required to enroll in an Independent Study/Research & Internship course. A PDF form is required, but may be submitted to the Registrar's Office with a signature from faculty or with email approval from faculty.

If submitting the form through email:

  1. Email the form to the faculty supervising the course. After an agreement has been reached for the course requirements request for the faculty or approved designee to reply to the message with their approval.
  2. Forward the faculty approval email to the Department Chair/Program Directors and request a reply with their approval.
  3. Forward all the approval(s) and form to Please submit all the information in one email. Requests with all the required information will be processed in 2-5 business days.

The email subject should include the Course number, "Independent Study” (i.e. PSYC 498A Independent Study). In the body of the email please include the following:

Your Name
Student ID
Class # (5 digit)
Course Title (e.g. PSYC 499B)
Number of Units
Supervising Faculty

Late Enrollment Petitions

Faculty and Dean or Dean's designee approval is required to enroll in a class after the add/drop period. Email approval from faculty and Department Chairs are accepted in lieu of a signature on the printed form.

  1. Review the Late Enrollment Petition form & email the completed form (or all information requested on the form) to the instructor of the course
  2. Forward the faculty approval email to the appropriate College Dean's Office and request a reply with their decision (note: the Dean applies to the college in which the course is offered, not the college of the student's major). 
      • College of Business Administration (COBA): COBA Advising, 
      • College of Education, Health & Human Services (CEHHS): Assistant Dean, Shannon Cody  
      • College of Humanities, Arts, Behavioral & Social Sciences (CHABSS): Director of Student Success, Leo Melena 
      • College of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (CSTEM): Director of Student Services & Programming, Laurie Schmelzer, 
      • GEL 101 The Student, The University, and the Community: Director of First Year & University Programs, Marnie Eldridge,  
  3. Forward all approval(s) and form (if completed) to Please submit all the information in one email. Requests with all the required information will be processed in 5-7 business days of receipt.

The email subject should include the Course number, "Late Enrollment” (i.e. GEL 101 Late Enrollment). In the body of the email please include the following:

Your Name
Student ID
Class # (5 digit)
Course Title (e.g. GEL 101)