Academic Standing
What is Academic Standing?
All CSUSM students in degree programs are assigned an academic standing at the end of each fall and spring semester. They include: good, academic notice, and academic disqualification. Standing is assigned based on your cumulative GPAs (resident GPA and overall GPA, including transfer credit), as well as the total number of units earned.
Below is a description of each standing type for undergraduate degree programs. Please see the Graduate Studies and Research page for more information on Academic Standing for Graduate students.
- GoodBoth the cumulative CSUSM GPA and cumulative overall GPA (including transfer credit) are 2.0 or above.
- Academic Notice
The cumulative CSUSM GPA or the cumulative overall GPA (including transfer credit) are below 2.0.
- Academic Disqualification
Prior academic standing was Academic Notice, term GPA is below 2.0, and the cumulative CSUSM GPA or cumulative overall GPA (including transfer credit) is below the following thresholds, by units earned:
1.50 GPA for 0-29 units
1.70 GPA for 30-59 units
1.85 GPA for 60-89 units
1.95 GPA for 90 or more units