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CSUSM Forms and Questions Library

Common campus forms and questions have been added to the CSUSM organizational library. 

How to Copy a Form from the Library

  1. Log into Qualtrics with your username and campus password
  2. Select the Create Project button at the top of your Qualtrics projects dashboard
  3. Within the pop-up, select the From a Library option. 
  4. In the "Please Select a Library" drop down, select CSUSM
  5. In the "Source Project" drop down, select the form desired from the campus library.
  6. In the "Project Name" field, rename the form to something that will make sense to you. By default "-copy" is added to the end of the form's name.
    1. Optional - assign a folder for the project to reside in.
  7. Select the Create Project button and alter the form as desired.

How to Copy a Question from the CSUSM Library

  1. Log into Qualtrics with your username and campus password.
  2. Select the Create Project button at the top of your Qualtrics projects dashboard -OR- select an already started project to add to.
  3. Click the Import Questions From... button at the bottom of your form.
  4. A new pop-up box will show.
  5. Within the pop-up, select the CSUSM Organization Library.
  6. Next, select the Question Library option.
  7. Select the CSUSM Question Library.
  8. Select the desired question type from the listing. You can preview questions on the right-side of the pop-up viewing window.
  9. Once the desired question has been found, click the Import button within the pop-up window.
  10. Continue editing your form as needed.

How to Add Pre-Filled Text to a Question

  1. Open the form (under "Projects") that you would like to alter.
  2. Select the question you would like to edit and click on the cog icon (left side).
  3. A small pop-up window will show up. Click Add Default Choices.
  4. A new pop-up window will show; select your question type to continue..
    • Text Entry: Type your prefilled content into the text box provided, then click Save.
    • Auto-Filled Date: Click the blue down arrow in the pop-up window. Click the Date/Time category, then select the preferred date format.
    • Multiple Choice: Click the radio buttons of the items you want prefilled (this will only allow as many pre-filled choices as you set up your form to accept).
  5. Click Save.
  6. Continue editing your form as needed.

Adding Forms and Questions to the CSUSM Library

Please email for assistance on adding to the Library.