Classic vs. New Quizzes
There are two quiz tools in Canvas: Classic and New Quizzes. Classic Quizzes is the original quiz tool, while New Quizzes is the newer version. At some point Classic Quizzes will no longer be available, but a date has not been set yet for that changeover as Canvas continues to improve New Quizzes and work out issues that continue to arise. For more information on this transition, check out this Canvas community page "New Quizzes Hub."
It is important to note that Classic Quizzes can be migrated to New Quizzes, but New Quizzes cannot be migrated to Classic Quizzes. When a Classic quiz is migrated, the Classic Quiz remains as-is and a New Quiz version is created. So you will have two copies of the same quiz - one in Classic and one in New Quizzes.
IDS Recommendation: At this point in time, we strongly recommend you use Classic Quizzes unless you need a feature that is only available through New Quizzes.
What can only be done in Classic Quizzes
- Create a Survey (ungraded or graded)
- Extend time on an attempt in progress
- Release correct answers at a specific date/time
- Allow students to view the results only once after an attempt
- Add questions automatically to the question bank when created in a quiz
- Change question content after students have begun taking the quiz (changes will only apply to future attempts)
- View Student Analysis Report
- Download CSV of quiz data
What can only be done in New Quizzes
- Duplicate quiz
- Set an overall point value for the quiz
- Display quiz grade as percentage, complete/incomplete, or letter grade
- Require waiting period between attempts
- Have subsequent attempts only display questions the student got wrong in the previous attempt
- Duplicate questions within the quiz
- Vary points by answer (for multiple choice question type)
- Turn on/off shuffle answer choices at question level
- Use stimulus, ordering, categorization, and hot spot question types
- Set word limit (min and max) for Essay question type
- Require exact match for credit for fill in the blanks, multiple answers, and matching question types
- Set default accommodation for a student for all New Quizzes in the course
- Use Outcome alignments
- Bulk regrade fill in the blank(s), multiple answers, and matching question types
- Print quiz with or without answer key (not available for randomized quizzes)
- Share item banks with other instructors
What can be done in both
Both Classic and New Quizzes can accomplish a lot of the same tasks, though they might be set up or look a little different. The similarities include:
- Set time limit and availability dates
- Set a different time limit and availability dates for specific students
- Allow multiple attempts
- Set access code
- Create practice/ungraded quizzes
- Display only one questions at a time and disable backtracking
- Shuffle/randomize questions
- Shuffle answer choices globally
- Format answer text for multiple choice questions
- Pull questions randomly from a question/item bank
- Use multiple choice, true/false, essay, fill in the blank(s), multiple answers, formula, file upload, matching, and numeric question types
- Give partial credit (with penalty) for fill in the blanks, multiple answers, and matching question types
- Provide answer specific feedback and general question feedback
- Be used with Respondus LockDown Browser
- Hide scores until manually released
- Give additional attempts to specific students
- Change question point values after students have begun taking the quiz (will require regrading)
- Grade one question at a time
- Regrade individual student attempts
- Bulk regrade multiple choice, true/false, and multiple answers question types
- Give fudge points
- View quiz data
- Copy quiz to another course
- Send quiz to another instructor
What can be done in neither
Unfortunately there are still a number of features that are not available in either tool. These include:
- Reopen a submitted quiz attempt
- Make a specific question extra credit
- Allow students to choose which questions to answer from a pool
- Make the quiz be extra credit (though there are ways around this)
- Release scores at a specific date and time
- Allow students to take a quiz as a group