Which Assignment Type and Options Suit Your Purpose?
You want students to write a short response or submit a link to an external URL
In the Submission Types section of the settings of your Assignment, check the box for Online text. Uncheck the box for File Submissions. If you want a Word limit (students will be unable to submit more than the limit) check the box for Word Limit and enter the desired limit.
- Quick and easy for the student; no need to use a word-processing program.
- Collect links to work created outside of Cougar Courses (web pages, etc.).
- Collect links to work that is too large to be submitted as a file (video, audio, etc.).
- Graders can view and markup the text in the browser (see the section below "You want to markup a students submission")
- Limited formatting options for the student.
You want students to submit a file
In the Submission Types section of the settings of your Assignment, check the box for File Submissions. Set the Maximum number of uploaded files each student can submit. We recommend leaving the Maximum submission size at 20 MB. As most video or audio files will be larger than this, we recommend students upload their file to either Youtube or My Mediasite and submit the link. To do so, we recommend the option above (You want students to write a short response or submit a link to a video/external URL).
- Collect student work in one area, rather than collecting files through email.
- Most submitted file types can be displayed in the grading area (no need to download to read).
- Graders can provide comments directly on the submission (see the section below "You want to markup a students submission")
- For specialized file types that do not display in the browser the grader must download the files and use the appropriate program to view.
You want students to submit multiple files
In the Submission Types section of the settings of your Assignment, check the box for File Submissions. Set the Maximum number of uploaded files each student can submit. We recommend leaving the Maximum submission size at 20 MB. As most video or audio files will be larger than this, we recommend students upload their file to either Youtube or My Mediasite and submit the link. To do so, we recommend the option above "You want students to write a short response or submit a link to a video/external URL".
- All related project files are in one area.
- All related project files are in one area, which means there is only one overall grade. If you wish to grade parts separately you will need to create separate Assignments.
- Depending on the file types submitted, they might not display in browser.
You want students to submit a short (< 3min.) audio or video clip
Please see our help guide on setting up PoodLL Video Assignments or PoodLL Audio Assignments.
- Students record within Cougar Courses.
- Can be a little tricky for students to use.
- Can only be 3 minutes or less in length.
- Records only webcam (cannot record screen).
You want students to submit as a group
You must set up the groups first. Please see our help guide Create Groups and Groupings for more information on how to do so.
Once the groups are set up, in the Group Submission Settings section of the settings of your Assignment, set "Student submit in groups" to Yes. If you only want students to be able to submit if they are currently in a group, set "Require group to make submission" to Yes. If you have multiple sets of groups, set the appropriate Grouping for this Assignment.
- Only one student per group needs to submit.
- The feedback and grade is automatically applied and visible to all students in that group.
- If groups are not set up correctly before students begin submitting, the Assignment will need to be deleted and recreated.
You want to markup student submissions
If you are having students submit online text, in the Feedback Types section of the settings of your Assignment, set Comment Inline to Yes. If you are having students submit files, in the Feedback Types section of the settings of your Assignment, check the box for Annotate PDF. Please note, not all file types will display in the browser.
- No need to download files and use a separate program to markup.
- Markup options are not as robust as those in Word.
- Not all file types can be marked up (Word and PDF can).
You want to upload files to give back to students
In the Feedback Types section of the settings of your Assignment, check the box for Feedback Files.
- Can markup the file in Word and upload the file back to the student.
- Can markup a rubric in Word and upload the file back to the student.
- Students must download the feedback file to view.
You want to check student work for plagiarism
You will need to use the separate activity called Turnitin Assignment. See the TurnItIn faculty guides on how to setup and grade Turnitin Assignments.