Import Content into Canvas from Moodle
Why do this?
Use the Backup and Restore process to move content from Moodle to Canvas.
Step 1: Create a backup file of the course container
- For courses from Fall 2019 to Summer 2022, go to https://cc2019.csusm.edu/. For a course from Fall 2013 to Summer 2019, please see this page to get the correct URL and the process for access.
- In Moodle, go into the course that has the content you want to move to Canvas.
- Click on the gear icon in the upper right to access your Course Administration. Then click Backup.
- On the Backup settings screen, leave the defaults checked and click the Next button in the bottom right.
- This will bring you to the Schema settings page which displays all activities and resources in the course. By default everything is selected for backup. You can choose to bring over everything (keep in mind not all activities or resources will import into Canvas) or just select specific items to move.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Next in the bottom right.
- This will take you to the Confirmation and Review page. Scroll to the bottom and select Perform backup.
- After “The backup file was successfully created” message displays, click Continue.
Step 2: Save the backup file to your computer
- After clicking Continue, you will be taken to the “Import a backup file” page. Scroll to the Course backup area near the bottom of the page.
- The backup file you just created should be the first in the list. Look at the time of the file to verify. Click the Download link for that backup file. Do not click the Restore button.
- Depending on your browser, either a popup window will prompt you to save/open or the file will be automatically downloaded and saved in your Downloads folder. If prompted, save the file only - do not try to open the file, as your computer will not be able to read it.
Step 3: Restore the backup file in Canvas
- Login to Canvas: https://csusm.instructure.com
- Go into the course where you want to bring in the content. To create a development container, while on your Dashboard, in the lower right click the button "Start a new course." Give your development container a name and click "Create."
- On the home page of your course, click Import Existing Content on the right.
- Click the drop down menu to the right of "Content type" and select Moodle 1.9/2.x
- Select the "Browse..." button to navigate and select your saved backup file from Step 2.
- Select the All content button.
- Click on the Import button.
- A progress indicator displays the upload status by percentage.
- When finished, the status will read "Completed."
Note: Keep in mind not all resources and activities import into Canvas. Please see our Equivalencies Chart for details about each specific tool. In addition, please see our help guide on the recommended conversion process from Moodle to Canvas.