Equivalencies Chart - Moodle to Canvas
When transferring to Canvas from Moodle please note that some elements may not be the same. Refer to the chart below to help you identify how some tools will function differently in the Canvas environment. If you have questions about alternatives, or don't see tools listed that you use, please email cchelp@csusm.edu to discuss your course needs.
In addition to the chart below, please see our help guide on the recommended conversion process from Moodle to Canvas.
- Announcements (Formerly News Forum)
Moodle Announcements to Canvas Announcements Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Announcements Functionally, Moodle Announcements and Canvas Announcements are similar. Both are automatically a part of each course.
Your course must be published and active (between the start and end dates under course settings) in order for announcements to be emailed out to students.
Announcement Forums from Moodle will not import into Canvas.
- Video: Announcements Overview
- Canvas Instructor Guides: Announcements
- Tutorial: How do I add an announcement in a course?
- Attendance
Moodle Attendance to Canvas Roll Call Attendance Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Roll Call Attendance The Roll Call Attendance tool is disabled by default in all Canvas courses, but can be enabled by adding it to the course navigation.
Roll Call Attendance can be used as graded activity or ungraded (attendance feedback only). Roll Call Attendance allows Late, Present, Absent or Excused.
Self attendance (students mark themselves as present) is not available in Canvas.
Attendance activities from Moodle will not import into Canvas.
- Canvas Instructor Guides: Attendance
- Tutorial: How do I use the attendance tool in a course?
- Assignments
Moodle Assignments to Canvas Assignments Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Assignments Assignments stay Assignments! Assignments in Canvas are very similar to Assignments in Moodle. Students can submit online text, files, urls, etc. as either individuals or as a part of a group. Assignments can also require no submission for manual grading.
In Moodle, Turnitin Assignment is a separate activity type than Assignment. In Canvas, however, the Turnitin is integrated into the Assignment activity. See the Turnitin section below for more details.
Poodll Assignments from Moodle will import as no-submission Assignments in Canvas. Other submission types from Moodle (no submission, online text, file submission) will import correctly in Canvas.
Group Assignments from Moodle will come over as individual Assignments in Canvas. Group submission will need to be reenabled.
Rubrics and Grading Guides from Moodle do not import into Canvas and will need to be recreated.
- Video: Assignment Overview
- Canvas Instructor Guides: Assignments
- Tutorial: How do I add or edit assignment details?
- Blocks
Moodle Blocks to Canvas Course Settings Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Course Settings Canvas does not have the same blocks as Moodle, but you can edit the course navigation menu to add or remove installed apps and features via the course settings.
Blocks from Moodle will not import into Canvas.
- Video: Course Settings
- Canvas Instructor Guides: Settings
- Tutorial: How do I manage course navigation links?
- Tutorial: How do I manage feature options?
- Book
Moodle Book to Canvas Modules & Pages Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Modules & Pages The book activity imports to Canvas as a Module. The book chapters and subchapters import as Pages. Using Module settings instructors can manage content availability to students.
Book activities from Moodle will import into Canvas as a separate Module with Pages.
- Video: Modules Overview
- Video: Pages Overview
- Canvas Instructor Guides: Modules
- Canvas Instructor Guides: Pages
- Tutorial: How do I add a requirement to a Module?
- Calendar
Moodle Calendar to Canvas Calendar Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Canvas Guides Calendar Canvas calendar feed can be synced with Outlook, Google Calendar or iCal.
- Video: Calendar Overview (Instructors)
- Video: Calendar Overview (Students)
- Canvas Instructor Guides: Calendar
- Tutorial: How do I add the Canvas calendar to Google calendar?
- Tutorial: How do I add the Canvas calendar to Outlook?
- Chat
Moodle Chat to Canvas Chat Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Chat In Canvas, instead of a Chat activity, there is a Chat feature you can choose to enable in your course, simply add it to your course navigation.
Chat activities in Moodle will not import into Canvas.
- Tutorial: How do I use the chat feature in Canvas?
- Tutorial: How do I manage course navigation links?
- Choice
Moodle Choice to Canvas Survey Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Survey (under Quizzes) Canvas currently supports two quiz engines. Surveys are a quiz type in Classic Quizzes that work similarly to the Choice activity in Moodle. Surveys can be graded (points for submitting) or ungraded. Surveys can also be anonymous.
Unlike in Moodle, Canvas does not allow Survey results to be visible to all users (students can only see their own responses). To share results you will want to screenshot the survey statistics and upload the picture to your course.
Choice activities from Moodle will import into Canvas as unpublished, ungraded Surveys.
The question will become a Multiple Choice question in Canvas. The description from the Choice activity in Moodle will become the text for the Multiple Choice question. If there is no description then the first option will also be the question text, and therefore would need to be updated.
You will need to publish the survey to make it available to students and, if graded, include it in the gradebook.
- Tutorial: How do I create a survey in my course?
- Completion Progress/Activity Completion
Moodle Completion Progress to Canvas Module Completion Tracking Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Module Completion Tracking Canvas uses Module requirements and prerequisites to enable completion tracking. The Module Progress window shows the progress of each student in your course. Modules will indicate completed, in progress, locked, or unlocked.
Activity Completion settings in Moodle will not import into Canvas.
- Course Summary
Moodle Course Summary to Canvas Syllabus Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Syllabus The Syllabus tool in Canvas is a special page type that is visible on the course menu. It can be used to post the course syllabus, schedule, etc.
A summary of course activities and due dates is automatically populated at the bottom of the Canvas Syllabus page.
The Course Summary in Moodle will not import into Canvas.
- Database
Moodle Database to Canvas Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes None Database is a tool specific to Moodle and no internal tool currently exists to do its equivalent in Canvas.
Any Database activities from Moodle will not import into Canvas.
- Enroll users
Moodle Enroll Students to Canvas Add People Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Canvas Guides Add People
In Moodle you can enroll by searching by name, username, or email. In Canvas there isn't a search function so you will need to have the exact email or username.
- Tutorial: How do I add users to a course?
- External Tool (LTI)
Moodle LTI to Canvas LTI Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes External Tool (LTI) Most integrations that existed in Moodle (Perusall, Leganto, etc.) will be installed in Canvas.
Perusall activities in Moodle will import into Canvas as no-submission Assignments, and therefore will not be automatically connected to Perusall. Once you connect it to Perusall, it will recognize your account from Moodle.
- Extra Credit
Moodle Extra Credit to Canvas Assignements Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Via Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes
Canvas gradebook does not have an extra credit option but has several work-arounds to make extra credit possible:
- Assignments - Extra credit assignments are set to zero points with a note in the title of their extra credit value.
- Discussions - Extra credit can be given in discussions and assignments by awarding points over the set point value.
- Quizzes - Fudge points in Quizzes can be used to award extra points.
Compatible activities marked as extra credit in Moodle will import into Canvas, but will not be marked as extra credit.
- Tutorial: How do I give extra credit in a course?
- Feedback
Moodle Feedback Canvas Survey Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Survey (under Quizzes)
In Canvas Surveys are a quiz type in Classic Quizzes that work similarly to the Feedback activity in Moodle. Surveys can be graded or ungraded. Surveys can also be anonymous.
Unlike in Moodle, Canvas does not allow Survey results to be visible to all users (students can only see their own responses). To share results you will want to screenshot the survey statistics and upload the picture to your course.
No matter the original settings, Feedback activities from Moodle will import as non anonymous, ungraded Surveys into Canvas. If you wish to give students credit for submitting the Survey, you will need to change the Quiz Type to Graded Survey. If you wish to have the survey anonymous, you will need to set that. The new Survey will retain the original number of attempts (single vs multiple).
Question types from Moodle that import correctly and do not need to be updated. The Canvas term, if different, is in parentheses.
- Label (Text)
- Longer text answer (Essay)
- Numeric (Numerical)
- Short text answer (Essay)
Question types from Moodle that import, but might need updating:
- Multiple Choice: all options import as one answer choice
- Multiple Choice Rated (Multiple Choice): all options import as one answer choice
You will need to publish the survey to make it available to students and, if graded, include it in the gradebook.
- Tutorial: How do I create a survey in my course?
- File
Moodle File to Canvas Files Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Files
File uploads stay file uploads. The Files area can be accessed from the course navigation menu in Canvas. The files area allows you to organize files by folders and sub-folders. You can save files to a Course or to your User Account.
Many file types will display in an embedded player in Canvas. The file will have a download link at the top left as well.
Files from Moodle will import into Canvas as Files.
Important note: Video (MP4) files will not be migrated by K-16 and should not be migrated manually. You should upload video files to a streaming server like Mediasite or Microsoft Stream, and then the link to the video placed in Canvas.
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Files
- Folder
Moodle Folder to Canvas Files Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Files
Folders can be created in the Files tab of the course navigation menu.
Folders can be set to be visible to students or hidden from students. Be sure to make the Files tab visible in your course navigation menu.
Folders in Moodle will import into Canvas as Pages containing the links to the files.
- Forum
Moodle Forum to Canvas Discussion Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Discussion
Discussions in Canvas are very similar to Forums in Moodle. Discussions can be graded or ungraded. There can be group discussions or full class discussions.
Forums in Moodle, no matter the type, will import into Canvas as Discussions. Some settings might need to be updated.
- Q&A Forums in Moodle will import into Canvas as Discussions, but the Questions will not import. The description of the Discussion will need to be updated to include the question(s). However, the setting “Users must post before seeing replies” will be automatically checked in the Canvas Discussion (it will not be automatically checked for the other forum types).
- Forums set to Groups in Moodle will import into Canvas as Discussions, but will not be set to Groups. Groups must be reenabled.
- Forums using Whole Forum Grading or Ratings will import into Canvas as graded discussions. Ungraded forums will import as ungraded Discussions.
- Video: Discussion Overview
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Discussions
- Tutorial: How do I create a discussion?
- Glossary
Moodle Glossary to Canvas Page/Discussion Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Page or Discussion
Canvas does not have a Glossary tool, but there are a few options to achieve the same goal. One option is to create a page in Canvas that can be edited by students to create a collaborative glossary. Student-edited pages cannot be graded, but you can add a no-submission Assignment to manually grade.
Another option is to create a Discussion. Discussions allow students to create their entries and can be graded. See the Discussion section above for help Guides on creating Discussions.
Glossary activities from Moodle will import into Canvas as Pages.
- Video: Pages Overview
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Pages
- Tutorial: How do I create a Page in a course?
- Tutorial: How do I create assignment columns for non-submission assignments in the Gradebook?
- Grade Me Block
Moodle Grade Me BLock to Canvas Instructor To-Do List Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Canvas Guides Instructor To-do List
In Moodle, the Grade Me block could be added to a course to show an instructor all of the assignments and manual quiz questions (essays and file responses) that have been submitted, but not graded.
In Canvas, this information is displayed on the Dashboard and within the course in the Sidebar. The instructor “to-do” list includes an indicator to display the number of submissions to grade and a link to the assignment or quiz.
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Global Navigation
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Course Navigation
- Tutorial: How do I use the To Do list and sidebar in the Dashboard as an instructor?
- Tutorial: How do I use course navigation as an instructor?
- Gradebook Setup
Moodle Gradebook Setup to Canvas Assignment Index Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Assignment Index Page/Grades
Items in the Canvas gradebook are created when graded assignments, discussions or quizzes are created. The grade categories are called assignment groups in Canvas and are created on the Assignment Index page. The weights for a weighted gradebook are also added on the Assignment Index page. You can also set rules for assignment groups to drop the lowest (or highest) scores from that group.
Gradebook categories (and weights) in Moodle will not import into Canvas. Manual grade items from CC also will not import into Canvas.
- Video: Gradebook Overview
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Grades
- Tutorial: How do I create an assignment group?
- Tutorial: How do I weight the course grades based on assignment groups?
- Tutorial: How do I drop the lowest score?
- Group Self-Selection
Moodle Group Self-Selection to Canvas Group Set Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Group Set
Groups live within the People tab in Canvas. Self sign-up groups allow users to choose the group they want to be in as part of a group set. You can also limit the number of members who can sign up for each group and assign a group leader.
Group self-selection activities from Moodle will not import into Canvas.
- Tutorial: Create self sign-up group
- Groups & Groupings
Moodle Groups & Groupings to Canvas Groups & Group Sets Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Groups & Group Set
Groups live within the People tab in Canvas. You can assign students to groups manually, randomly, or have students select or create their own groups. Groups are organized into group sets.
Groups can be used for Assignments, Discussions, and Collaborations. Within the Groups students will have access to Group-specific Pages, Announcements, and Discussions which they can use to communicate with each other for projects.
Groups and Groupings in Moodle will not import into Canvas.
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Groups
- H5P (add-on)
Moodle H5P to Canvas H5P Info Canvas Equivalent Migration Notes H5P (hosted)
Currently H5P activities in Moodle will not import into Canvas.
In Moodle the H5P add-on was free. Unfortunately for Canvas the H5P add-on requires licenses that much be purchased. We hope to purchase some licenses, but have not gotten full approval yet. We will update this space when we know more.
- Label
Moodle Label to Canvas Text Header Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Text Header
A text header is the Canvas version of the Moodle label. It can be used to help organize your course modules and provide textual information to your students. In addition to text headers, Canvas allows instructors to add external links directly to the modules.
A page in Canvas can be used to add additional content like images, files and external links. If you need to add more than a simple text-based organizational tag, please use Pages.
Labels in Moodle will import into Canvas as Pages.
- Lesson
Moodle Lesson to Canvas Modules & MasteryPaths Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Modules & MasteryPaths
MasteryPaths allows you to customize learning experiences for students based on performance. You can enable MasteryPaths to automatically assign coursework based on the score achieved for a previous assignment. This provides multiple opportunities to show and achieve mastery in a course.
With the K16 migration, Lesson Activities in Moodle will import into Canvas as a Module containing pages and quizzes.
With a manual migration, Lesson Activities do not import to Canvas.
- Video: MasteryPaths Overview
- Tutorial: How do I use MasteryPaths in course modules?
- Library Reserves
Moodle Library Reserves to Canvas Library Reserves Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Guides Library Reserves
In Canvas, the Library Reserves tool can be found in the Course Navigation Menu.
Library Reserves must be set up each semester in the course associated with a course number (CRN).
Please note that the Library Reserves is an LTI, so it cannot be viewed from ‘Student View’.
- Logs
Moodle Logs to Canvas New Analytics Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Canvas Guides New Analytics
In Canvas the New Analytics tool can be used for tracking student activities and course interactions.
Additionally, Canvas has student activity logs which can be accessed by Admin users only. These logs display every page view a particular student has within the LMS. They display the activity, time, and the IP address. The default reports are per person with a limited number of lines displayed.
- Video: New Analytics
- Canvas Instructor Guides - New Analytics
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Pages
- Tutorial: What is New Analytics?
- OU Blog
Moodle OU Blog to Canvas Discussions/External Blog Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Discussion or External Blog
Canvas does not have a blog tool per se, but Canvas discussions can be used as a blogging tool. There are pros and cons to using the Discussion tool in this manner. The IDS team would recommend a free blogging tool like Microsoft Sway for blogs available outside of Canvas.
OU Blog activities in Moodle will not import into Canvas.
- OU Wiki
Moodle OU Wiki to Canvas Pages Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Pages
Canvas does not have a wiki tool per se, but you can essentially create a course wiki by creating a Page and allowing students to edit that Page. At this time there is no way to directly grade student contributions to this "wiki" Page, although you can create a no-submission Assignment to manually give them a grade for their contribution.
OU Wiki activities in Moodle will not import into Canvas.
- Page
Moodle Page to Canvas Pages Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Pages
Pages in Canvas are very similar to the Page in Moodle. The text editor toolbar has similar features. You can add images, external links, links to files, links to activities, etc. using the Rich Content Editor (RCE).
Canvas even has a built-in Accessibility Checker for the RCE which can check the accessibility of pages, assignments and discussion prompts.
Pages in Moodle will import into Canvas as Pages and should retain their formatting.
Note on internal links on a Page: If in Moodle you had internal links (links to other areas within the course) in your Pages, those will import with the Page, but will still be pointing back to Moodle. You will want to update those links. The good news is Canvas makes linking internal linking every easy.
- Video: Pages Overview
- Video: Rich Content Editor Overview
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Pages
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Rich Content Editor
- Tutorial: How do I use the accessibility checker in Canvas?
- PoodLL
Moodle PoodLL to Canvas Media Recordings Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Media Recordings in Assignment, and Media Comments in Speedgrader
Poodll is another Moodle specific plug-in, but Canvas does have some audio and video functionality built in. For assignment feedback, instructors can use the Speedgrader to record or upload media comments. Assignments can be set to allow online media recordings, which will allow students to record audio and video using their webcam/microphones.
For discussions, Canvas has a built in media recorder in the rich content editor.
Labels, descriptions, or other text areas in Moodle that contain Poodll recordings will import into Canvas, but the Poodll recordings will not load.
Poodll Assignments in Moodle will import into Canvas as no-submission Assignments.
- Questionnaire
Moodle Questionnaire to Canvas Survey Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Survey (under Quizzes)
In Canvas, Surveys are a quiz type in Classic Quizzes that work similarly to the Questionnaire activity in Moodle. Surveys can be graded or ungraded. Surveys can also be anonymous.
Unlike in Moodle, Canvas does not allow Survey results to be visible to all users (students can only see their own responses). To share results you will want to screenshot the survey statistics and upload the picture to your course.
No matter the original settings, Questionnaires from Moodle will import as single attempt, non anonymous, ungraded Surveys into Canvas. If you wish to give students credit for submitting the Survey, you will need to change the Quiz Type to Graded Survey. If you wish to have the survey anonymous, you will need to set that. Also, if you wish to allow students multiple attempts, you will need to set that.
Question types from Moodle that import correctly and do not need to be updated. The Canvas term, if different, is in parentheses.
- Check boxes (Multiple Answers)
- Dropdown Box (Multiple Choice)
- Essay Box (Essay)
- Label (Text)
- Numeric (Numerical)
- Radio Buttons (Multiple Choice)
- Text Box (Essay)
- Yes/No (Multiple Choice)
Question types from Moodle that import, but might need updating:
- Rate (Multiple Dropdowns)
You will need to publish the survey to make it available to students and, if graded, include it in the gradebook.
- Tutorial: How do I create a survey in my course?
- Question Bank
Moodle Question Bank to Canvas Question Banks Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Question Banks
Question Banks will transfer, however Canvas does not have a tree folder structure for organizing question banks, so the navigation is "flattened".
See “Quiz” topic below for the Moodle question types that import correctly, import but need some updating, and those that do not import.
Question Banks will currently import as Classic Quiz banks.
- Quiz
Moodle Quiz to Canvas Classic/New Quiz Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Classic Quiz & New Quiz
Quizzes stay quizzes! Your instructions and many functions of your quiz will come over. Some advanced question types from Moodle have no equivalent in Canvas. However the most common question types - multiple choice, true/false, essay, and matching - transfer over with no issues.
Classic Quiz does not allow you to override the point value of a quiz. The grade is the sum of the value of the questions. Question values may need to be adjusted to get the desired overall point value of the quiz. Quizzes can also be ungraded (Practice Quizzes).
Canvas is also developing a newer quizzing engine currently called “New Quizzes” and at this time both Classic and New quizzes are available in CSUSM Canvas.
Quizzes from Moodle will import as unpublished Practice Quizzes in Canvas. Practice Quizzes are ungraded. To make it graded you will need to update the Quiz Type to Graded Quiz. Also, you will need to publish the quiz to make it available to students and, if graded, include it in the gradebook.
Timing, number of attempts, and shuffling should come over as-is.
No matter the original Review Option settings in Moodle, the quizzes will import into Canvas showing the results immediately to students. You will want to update these settings.
Random quizzes from Moodle do import successfully into Canvas and retain their structure (see below for question types that do not import or might need updating).
Specific and general feedback from Moodle does import into Canvas for compatible question types.
Images embedded within quiz questions/answers may or may not come over. If they do not come over, they will need to be manually re-added in Canvas.
Question types from Moodle that import correctly and do not need to be updated. The Canvas term, if different, is in parentheses.
- Multiple Choice
- True/False
- Matching
- Essay
- Numerical
- Short answer (Fill in the Blank)
- Description (Text)
- Random short answer matching (Question Group with Fill in the Blank questions)
Question types from Moodle that import, but might need updating:
- Calculated (Formula)
- Calculated multichoice (Formula)
- Calculated simple (Formula)
- Drag and drop matching (Matching)
- Embedded Answers/Cloze (Fill in Multiple Blanks)
Question types from Moodle that do not import into Canvas:
- Drag and drop into text
- Drag and drop markers
- Drag and drop onto image
- OU multiple response
- Poodll recording
- Select missing words
- Video: Classic Quizzes Overview
- Video: New Quizzes Overview
- Comparison of Features
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Quizzes
- Canvas Instructor Guides - New Quizzes
- Reports & Analytics Graphs
Moodle Reports & Analytics Graphs to Canvas New Analytics Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Canvas Guides New Analytics
Canvas has a similar feature to Reports in Moodle called New Analytics. New Analytics provides a course level view of student progress, grades and course interactions.
Please note: The data refresh for New Analytics is not up-to-the-minute as was available in Moodle. The data refreshes every 24-hours and there is an indicator to let you know when the last update occurred.
- Video: New Analytics
- Canvas Instructor Guides - New Analytics
- Tutorial: What is New Analytics?
- Restrict Access
Moodle Restrict Access to Canvas Prerequisite & Requirements Settings Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Prerequisite and Requirement Settings in Modules
In Canvas at the module-level you can set prerequisites and requirements. Prerequisites require students to complete specific prior modules before they can access the module. Requirements can be enabled to ensure students complete specific items in a module in order to move to the next module. This can include viewing pages and scoring a specified minimum point value on quizzes, assignments, etc.
Restrict Access settings in Moodle will not import into Canvas.
- Tutorial: How do I add requirements to a module?
- Tutorial: How do I add prerequisites to a module?
- Rubrics/Grading Guides
Moodle Rubrics to Canvas Rubrics Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Rubrics
Functionally, Rubrics in Canvas are very similar to Rubrics in Moodle. The interface to enter and update rubric criteria will be familiar.
The best option to migrate rubrics from Moodle to Canvas, if you do not already have them in a Word Doc, would be to copy from Moodle and paste them cell-by cell in Canvas. This might be easier to do if you use a table in Word to keep the data organized as you transition to Canvas.
One of the powerful tools in Canvas is the combination of Rubrics and Outcomes to track student progress throughout a program or course.
Rubrics and Grading Guides in Moodle do not import manually into Canvas.
K16 imported courses will have imported rubrics, however they will no longer be attached. You will need to reattach them to the appropriate Assignment/Discussion. Grading Guides will be converted to rubrics, so you will need to edit to make them work properly.
- Video: Rubrics Overview
- Video: Outcomes Overview
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Rubrics
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Outcomes
- Scheduler
Moodle Scheduler to Canvas Scheduler Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Scheduler Appointment Group
The Scheduler appointment group tool within the calendar in Canvas has similar functionality to the Scheduler activity in Moodle.
Scheduler activities in Moodle will not import into Canvas.
Moodle SCORM to Canvas SCORM Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes SCORM (external tool)
SCORM activities are converted to SCORM external tool activities in canvas. Point values may need to be adjusted.
- Topic
Moodle Topic to Canvas Module Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Module
Canvas Modules have similar functionality as topics in Moodle. They can be used to categorize content and create logical organization of course content.
Modules can be used to organize Canvas activities like Assignments, Discussions and Quizzes. You can add textual labels, pages, files, and external links.
Modules can be hidden or published manually. Modules can also be set to open at a specific date or as students progress via prerequisites and restrictions.
Topics in Moodle that contain activities/resources that are compatible with Canvas will import into Canvas as Modules. However, if the topics in Moodle only contain activities/resources that are not compatible with Canvas then they will not import into Canvas.
- Video: Modules Overview
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Modules
- Topic Summary/Description
Moodle Topic Summary to Canvas Page Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Page
In Canvas you can use a Page to introduce students to a module. Pages can include images, text, files and links. This Page should be placed at the top of the module for students to access before the other content in the module.
Topic descriptions in Moodle will import into Canvas as Pages under the appropriate Module.
- Video: Modules Overview
- Video: Pages Overview
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Modules
- Canvas Instructor Guides - Pages
- Turnitin
Moodle Turnitin to Canvas Assignment Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Assignment
In Canvas Turnitin is available through the Assignment activity. It actually available in two different ways: built-in (plagiarism framework) and as an external tool (LTI). For built-in everything is done in Canvas, but you do have access to the Similarity Report. For the external tool it is similar to Moodle in that you view the Similarity Report and grade/markup in Turnitin.
We recommend using the built-in; however, if you have grademark comments and rubrics in Turnitin that you want to reuse, then you would want to add Turnitin via the External Tool submission type.
Turnitin Assignments in Moodle will not import into Canvas.
Moodle URL to Canvas Exernal URL Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides External URL
Canvas allows the addition of URL or external links via the Rich Content Editor on a Page, Assignment, Discussion or Quiz. It also allows external URL to be added directly via the Modules.
Note: Canvas will not allow unsecure web content to open within the Canvas window. Https links will open within Canvas. Http links can be added to Canvas but the setting must be changed to “opened in a new browser tab.”
External URLs in Moodle will import into Canvas as External URLs.
Internal URLs: If in Moodle you created internal URLs (links to other areas within the course), those will import, but will still be pointing back to Moodle. You will want to update those links. The good news is Canvas makes linking internal linking every easy.
- Workshop
Moodle WOrkshop to Canvas Assignment Info Canvas Equivalent Compatibility Notes Migration Notes Canvas Guides Assignment
Peer review is an option within the Assignment or Discussion activities in Canvas. Peer review in these activities allows students to provide feedback to their peers (whether through comments or a rubric); however, in Canvas students only receive a grade for their submission. To give a grade for their reviews, you can add a no-submission Assignment and assign points manually.
Workshop activities in Moodle will not import into Canvas.