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Assignment Grader

Access the Assignment Grader

  1. From your course homepage, click on the assignment you want to grade.
  1. Select the Grade button.

 assignment grade button

Navigation, Filters, and Display Controls

Prior to grading, it is useful to establish the lay of the land. The image below illustrates navigation, filters, and display controls built into the Assignment Grader. 

In the upper left you have links to return to your course homepage, the assignment overview, or click on the gear icon to go into the Assignment settings.

 In the upper right you can navigate to the previous user, next user, or select user from the dropdown. Click on the filter icon to filter the dropdown list based on submission status.

assignment grader navigationAdjust the display of the page using the control buttons at the bottom right. 

Grading Tools

Annotate, comment, enter score, notify student, and more! The illustration and descriptions below explain the grading tools available in the Assignment Grader.

Note: not all file types can be displayed in the browser.

In the upper left of the viewer, you can move between pages of the submission. To the right, you will see annotation tools. See the table below the image for more information on these icons.

assignment grader annotation

Annotation Tools




 search comments button

 Search Comments

Perform a keyword search to search already made comments.
 expand comments button

 Expand / Collapse Comments

Expand or collapse comments.
comment button


To make a comment on the paper, select the Comment Button. Then, click and drag a square directly on the submission. Type your comment. When you click outside the box, the comment will automatically be saved. Click the icon in the upper right of the comment box to save your comment to a quick-list (to use again for a different student) or delete the comment.
Comment Background Color

Comment Background Color 

Before adding a comment, select a background color for the comment.
 move button


Use the drag button to move the display of the submission left to right and up to down. This comes in handy when the submission is wider than the display on the screen.
 select button


Select annotations on the submission to move or delete them. 
free write button 


Use the pen button to hand-write or draw a free form shape.
 straight line button

 Straight Line

Draw a straight line.
 square frame button

 Square Frame

Draw a square to frame an item on the submission.
 circle frame button

 Circle Frame

Draw a circle to frame an item on the submission.
 highlighter button


Highlight text on the submission.
 color palette button

 Color Palette

Before adding an annotation, use the palette button to select a color for the pen, line, square frame, circle frame, or highlighter. 
stamp buttons


Stamping tools allow you to choose an icon  and stamp it onto the paper. Icons include a red X, blue sad face, yellow happy face, and green checkmark. 

Download Original File

If the file does not display in the browser, you can download the file by clicking on the link near the top on the right hand panel.

Feedback Comments

Type general comments into the Feedback comments. If the assignment is set to accept online text submissions and is also set to allow inline commenting, the student's text will be displayed within the Feedback comments, which you can then edit/add comments.

Notify Students and Save

Check the box to Notify students if you would like students to receive an email notification stating their assignment has been graded. The email will be sent out around the top of the hour. If a notification is not desired, ensure the box is not checked. You must save your annotations, feedback, and scoring before moving on to grade the next student.

Advanced Grading Tools

 Optionally, you may add other grading features to the Assignment Grader through the assignment settings. The illustration and descriptions below discuss Rubrics, Feedback Files, and Feedback PoodLL.

Advanced Grading Tools


You can integrate a rubric or grading form into Assignments. Rubrics can be set to generate a total grade based on  rubric scoring or used in a more flexible manner. Students can reference the rubric criteria on the submission page prior to submitting the assignment, which can help clarify expectations.

Feedback Files

This feature is frequently used by instructors who prefer to use track changes in Microsoft Word to give students feedback. You can upload or drag and drop in a feedback file for each student. If you use this feature, you might consider taking advantage of the annotation features offered in the Assignment Grader as an efficient alternative.

Feedback PoodLL

Record short (under 3 min) audio or video feedback for students. Some instructors find it speedier to narrate rather than type comments. Audio can convey a tone that might be lost or misunderstood in text.

If you are interested in using an offline grading worksheet or quick grading, please see the guide on Managing Assignment Submissions.