Using Powerpoint Presentation Mode with Zoom
What it is
If you are in the habit of accessing your notes from the Powerpoint presenter view, you may find it hard to do while Zooming because you end up displaying your notes along with the slideshow. Here’s how to do that in Zoom. Note that these instructions are for folks wih just one screen.
Zooming in Presenter View
To view in Presenter View while presenting in Zoom, you will need to:
- Click on Presenter View in the menu ribbon at the top of the screen.
The presentation will look like this:
The notes appear in a pane on the right. The text wraps automatically, and a vertical scroll bar appears if necessary. You can change the size of the text in the Notes pane by using the two buttons at the lower left corner of the Notes pane:
You can adjust the size of the current slide, and notes and next slide panels, by using your mouse to grab and drag the vertical line that separates the two panels.
Then, when you share screen in Zoom, go to the Advanced tab:
Here you can choose to share a Portion of Screen. When you choose this option, you can draw a rectangle around the part of the screen you want to share. Switch back to PowerPoint. Position the rectangle over the presentation and drag the corners to resize to fit completely. It will look like this:
The green box is what's being shared. You can see your notes, the next slide, and what you look like on Zoom if your webcam is on.