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Taking Attendance in Zoom Classes

What’s this about?

Taking attendance in face-to-face classes is pretty straightforward. How do we do it in Zoom classes? Luckily Zoom keeps track of all of the participants in all Zoom meetings, so you just need to get to the reports that have this info. You can then download and open them in a spreadsheet program like Excel.

Accessing Attendance Reports

  1. Log into your Zoom web portal at Use your usual campus credentials to log in.
  2. Click on Login to Host a Meeting in the upper right corner.Login to host a meeting button


  3. Click on the Reports menu on the far left.Reports menu tab

  4. Click on Usage Reports. This opens the report interface.Usage reports item

  5. Use the calendar buttons at the top to choose the start/stop dates for your report.

  6. Click on Search. This reveals all your meetings that occurred in the search period.Usage report search interface

  7. To get info about attendance for a meeting, click on the number in the Participants column. This displays a list of all participants in that one meeting that you can download for evaluation.Usage reports list

  1. Click on the Show unique users checkbox. This aggregates all the time each user spent in the Zoom session.Participants list

  2. Click on Export. This will download a .csv file you can open in a standard spreadsheet like Excel.