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Using Snippets for Page Layout

Implement mobile-friendly page layout by using Snippets.

Layouts and Snippet Video

How to use the Layout Snippets:

  1. Go to the page you would like to edit. 
  2. Edit your page by clicking Main Content
  3. Click where you would like to add in layouting. Hit the Enter key to have a nice blank area to work in.
  4. Click the Snippet icon in the toolbar at the top of the page.
  5. In the pop-up, click the selection you want to add.
    • Layout Options are:
      • 2 columns - Even: a 50/50 split of your page
      • 2 columns - Large Left: a 70/30 split
      • 2 columns - Large Right: a 30/70 split
      • 3 columns - three equally sized columns
  6. Click Insert
  7. A table will appear on your page. Paste or type in the content you want to add to the white “content here” cells. Leave all of the other cells alone.
    1. Here is an example of what a table may look like:
      layout example
  8. When your content is ready, click the Save icon to preview it. Your page will dynamically alter your content and put it into the desired layout you created.
  • Here is an example of how the above table transforms onto a page:
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