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Respondus Lockdown Browser (Student Guide)

Your instructor might require the use of Respondus LockDown Browser for certain quizzes/exams in your course. LockDown Browser is a locked browser used specifically for taking quizzes in Cougar Courses (Canvas). It prevents you from printing, copying, going to another URL, or accessing other applications (like Word) during a quiz. If a quiz requires that LockDown Browser be used, you will not be able to take the quiz with a standard web browser. Your instructor may also have enabled Respondus Monitor, which uses your webcam to record you while you take the quiz.

Before Downloading


You cannot download LockDown Browser from an external link, you must do so from the Cougar Courses quiz that requires it. Unfortunately this is only possible once the quiz is available. This is why we recommend instructors create a practice quiz that is available the whole term so that you can download LockDown Browser ahead of time and ensure it is working correctly at any point. If you do not see a practice quiz that requires LockDown Browser in order to download/test ahead of time, please contact your instructor to request they create one.

  1. Open a regular browser on your computer.
  2. Login to Cougar Courses.
  3. Go into the course and go to the quiz that requires LockDown Browser. Click the "Take the Quiz" button.
  4. Click on the "Download Respondus LockDown Browser" link.

Before Using

  • Be sure you are not using AVAST anti-virus program. The latest version of AVAST blocks the LockDown Browser and it will interfere with using Lockdown Browser until you remove it.
  • Close all other programs, including Zoom and any chat systems, which may be running in the background. You may need to disable third-party plug-ins or tools enabled in Firefox or Chrome.
  • If Monitor is enabled, check your webcam setup to make sure your webcam and mic work.
  • Take a practice quiz, if your instructor has made one available, to ensure LockDown Browser is working correctly.

Using LockDown Browser

  1. Close all open programs.
  2. Locate the “LockDown Browser” shortcut on the desktop and double-click it. For Mac users, launch “LockDown Browser” from the Applications folder.
  3. If prompted, either close a blocked program (e.g. screen capture, instant messaging) by choosing Yes. Or, close LockDown Browser and close the blocked program before restarting LockDown Browser.
  4. Log into Cougar Courses.
  5. Navigate to the quiz within the course and begin the quiz.


  • Problems Before Starting the Quiz
    • First, try restarting your computer.
    • When LockDown Browser does not start up or there are issues accessing a quiz, it is sometimes a security setting or another application interfering with LockDown Browser:
      • Ensure all applications are closed including background applications (except security).
      • Disable or remove third party apps or plug-ins from Firefox or Chrome.
      • Make sure only one security application is running on your system.
    • If able, click the Help Center button at the top of the LockDown Browser window.

      lockdown browser help center access

      Help Center contains three areas of support:
      • webcam check
      • system check
      • a link to Knowledge Base
      • "Need more help?" button that connects you to their Live Chat
  • Problems During the Quiz

    If you experience problems after you have already started the quiz, keep in mind the quiz timer will continue to advance as you are trouble shooting. 

    1. Retry: Close LockDown Browser and all other applications. Follow the steps in the Launching LockDown Browser section above.
    2. Restart: Restart your computer. Follow the steps in the Launching LockDown Browser section above. Do not open any other programs.
    3. Review: Follow the troubleshooting steps in the Problems Before Starting Quiz section above.
    4. Reinstall: Follow the steps in the Still Having Problems section below.
    5. Report: Follow the steps in the Reporting Problems section below.
  • I restarted my computer while LockDown Browser was running. Windows Task Manager is now greyed out.

    This article on Respondus' website explains what may be causing the issue.

    This happens when students power down their device (like closing the laptop lid) when LockDown Browser is still in use. You must exit the test and close Respondus LockDown Browser before closing the lid on a laptop.

    If you did not close the laptop until after fully exiting LockDown Browser (not just exiting the test), you can open a ticket with Respondus Technical Support for assistance.

    Follow this guide to restore settings after a power down.

  • I read Respondus installs malware.

    For some wider perspective (and to alleviate general concerns), LockDown Browser is used at more than 2,000 institutions. Millions of students use LockDown Browser every week. The security of these applications have been vetted by hundreds of institutions, including annual checks by third-party security companies. There are several Reddit and Discord channels that claim LockDown Browser is malware -  but no credible evidence has ever been provided.

  • Still Having Problems?
    1. Uninstall LockDown Browser
      • PC: Remove via Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel.
      • MAC: Find the LockDown Browser icon in the Applications folder and move it to trash. Empty trash to complete uninstall.
    2. Restart your computer.
    3. Download the LockDown Browser (refer to Downloading steps above).
    4. If troubleshooting was unsuccessful, follow the steps in the Reporting Problems section below.
  • Reporting Problems

    If above troubleshooting was unsuccessful:

    1. Email
      1. cc your instructor on the email.
      2. Include the course name and number, title of quiz, and due date.
      3. Explain the issue as clearly as possible. If possible, include a picture of the issue or error message.
      4. Describe the troubleshooting steps you have completed thus far and the results.
      5. Identify what version of Windows or OS your computer is running.
    1. Open a ticket with Respondus.
  • I am having problems and don't have time to troubleshoot!

    Keep in mind that the Student Technology Help Desk has loaner laptops you can check out. Also, the computers in the computer labs on campus should have Respondus LockDown Browser installed as well.