Zoom in Cougar Courses
Zoom is now integrated into Cougar Courses! Your Zoom Class Meetings page allows you to create, manage, and start/join Zoom meetings directly from your course.
Add Zoom Class Meetings to your Course
Add to the Course Navigation
You can add the Zoom Class Meetings link to your course navigation.
- While in your course click on Settings on the course navigation.
- Click on the Navigation tab at the top.
- Scroll down, and click and drag Zoom Class Meetings up into the top group. Or, click the three dots next to Zoom Class Meetings and choose Enable.
- Scroll down and click "Save"
Or Add to your Modules
You can also add the Zoom Class Meetings link to a Module. Keep in mind this is a link to the Zoom Class Meetings page, not a link to a specific Zoom meeting.
- On your Modules page, go to the module where you would like to add the link, and click the + icon.
- From the Add dropdown choose "External tool."
- Scroll down and click on Zoom LTI.
- Edit the page name (this will be the text of the link).
- Click the "Add item" button.
Schedule & Manage your Zoom Meetings in CC
Schedule a New Meeting
- While on your Zoom Class Meetings page, click the blue "Schedule a New Meeting" button in the upper right.
- Give your Zoom meeting a name in the Topic field.
- You can ignore the Add Sections and Add Viewers fields (these are currently not enabled).
- If desired, enter a description.
- Set when the meeting takes place, duration, and whether this is a recurring meeting. Meetings with set dates and times are added to the course calendar (with links to meeting) and the student's To Do list. Recurring meetings with no fixed time will not be added to the calendar or To Do List, so students will need to go to the Zoom Class Meetings area to access the meeting.
- You can ignore the fields for Registration and Template.
- Set any desired Security measures. We recommend keeping the setting "Only authenticated users can join meeting" enabled and the authentication method set to either "Sign in to Zoom" (default) or "CSUSM domain", especially if you want to use the Attendance Report or Zoom Polls to Gradebook feature (see below for more info). We recommend you send this guide to students on how to download and setup the Zoom app and/or this video on how to login to Zoom with your CSUSM credentials.
- Set your preferred Video, Audio, and Meeting Options settings.
- Add/remove any alternative hosts. Please see the Additional Settings section below for more information on adding/removing repeated alternative hosts.
- Save.
Additional Settings
Import a Zoom Meeting
- If you created a Zoom meeting through your Zoom account or app, you can import it into your course to make it available to your students.
Disassociate Zoom Meeting
- If you accidentally created a Zoom meeting in your course that was meant for a different course or event and do not want to delete the meeting entirely, you can disassociate the Zoom meeting from this course. Doing so will remove it from your Zoom Class Meetings list for this course. It will still be available from your Zoom account or app, and you can import it into the correct course.
Manage Alternative Hosts
- If you add or remove someone from the list of Alternative Hosts, they will be added/removed for all future meetings. Meetings that have already been created will not be affected. You can always manually add or remove alternative hosts when you create a meeting.
Enable/Disable Zoom Polls to Gradebook
- If you use Polls in Zoom and would like to translate participation in these polls to grades in your course, you can enable Zoom Polls to Gradebook. This feature is only available for meetings created in the course (not imported) and students must be logged in to their CSUSM Zoom account for the data to correctly sync. When enabled, when a meeting that utilized polls is ended, an assignment for each poll in the meeting will appear within 60 minutes. The name of the assignment will correspond to the title of the poll. You can then use the Speedgrader for these assignments to view each student's response and assign a grade (grades cannot be assigned automatically). By default each assignment is worth 100 points (you can change the value after it has been created, but cannot change the default value). Unfortunately at this time there is no way to combine separate polls from the same meeting into just one assignment (besides doing so manually).
Attendance Report Setting
- Enabling the Attendance Report allows you to automatically calculate a grade for each meeting for each student based on the percentage of the meeting they attended. This feature is only available for meetings created in the course (not imported) with a set date and time. It is not available for meetings without a fixed time, with "Join before host" enabled, or less then five minutes in length. Also, a report is only generated for meetings that are started no earlier than 10 minutes before their set start time and ended no later than 10 minutes after the set end time. Attendance percentages are based on the set meeting times, not the actual time the meeting was active. Students must be logged in to their own CSUSM Zoom account on their computer for the data to correctly sync (this is especially important for students using a shared computer).
- To get started using the Attendance Report, please see this guide on configuring your Attendance Report settings. WARNING: when you first enable this feature, be sure to manually enter in values for total points and the percentages (the Late settings are not required), even if you wish to keep the defaults. Although it does display default values, these default values are not actually entered, so if you leave them as-is, you will receive an error when attempting to save. Also, the percentages cannot overlap, otherwise you will receive an error when attempting to save. After your Attendance Report settings have been successfully saved and once the meeting has ended, you will be able to view the Attendance Report, change any grades, and submit those grades to the gradebook (grades are not submitted automatically). For more information, please see this help guide on how to review the Attendance Report and submit the grades.
Manage your Meetings
To delete a Zoom meeting, on the Zoom Class Meetings page click the Delete button to the right of the meeting. You can only delete meetings that you created.
To edit a Zoom meeting, on the Zoom Class Meetings page click on the Topic name of the meeting. You can only edit meetings that you created.
To access a meeting's reports, click on the Previous Meetings tab at the top of the page, and click the Report link for the meeting. You can access reports for meetings created by the other instructors in the course.
Zoom Cloud Recordings
If a Zoom meeting for the course was recorded to the cloud, you and your students can find the recording on the Cloud Recordings tab. Students can view the full recording or just the audio (you can view all available files), but they cannot download. You can access the viewing data by going to the Cloud Recordings tab, clicking on the recording Topic, and clicking on Recording Analytics.
To delete a cloud recording, click on the Cloud Recordings tab at the top of the page, and click Delete next to the recording you want to delete.
Keep in mind Zoom Cloud storage is limited. If you would like to keep a Zoom cloud recording past the term it was created in, please download the recording and upload to Microsoft SharePoint/OneDrive.
Please be aware that sharing Zoom recordings from prior terms that include student information (faces, names, etc.) is a violation of FERPA. If you would like to continue to use a video that contains student data, you can download the video from Zoom, edit it in Camtasia to remove/block the student information, upload to Microsoft SharePoint, and then share the link in your course.
Zoom Appointments
The Zoom Appointments tab allows you to create slots for students to sign up to meet with you. While it sounds like a great tool, at this time there are key issues you should be aware of before using this feature:
- First, it creates separate meetings for each slot. This would mean that you as the instructor would need to switch meetings for each student.
- Also, unlike the Zoom meetings created above, these slots will not appear on the course calender or in the students' To Do list.
Due to the above issues, at this time we do not recommend using Appointments. However, you can accomplish the same goal using Canvas' built-in Scheduler tool and just one Zoom meeting. To do so:
- Create one Zoom meeting using the steps above. Be sure to enable the Waiting Room to ensure your students' privacy as you meet with them. You do not need to set a specific date, as the calendar entries will be created in the next step. Once created, copy the link to the meeting.
- Use the Scheduler tool to create time slots for your students to choose from. Make sure to paste the link to the Zoom meeting in the Location box.
- Be sure to send this guide to your students in how to sign up for appointment slots.