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Add a Rubric/Grading Guide to an Assignment

Why Do This?

An instructor can build a rubric or grading guide within Cougar Courses to use when grading Assignments. A rubric is a series of criterion with levels of achievement for each. When grading a student using a rubric the instructor chooses the level of achievement for each criterion and the overall score is automatically calculated. A grading guide is a series of criterion worth a certain number of points, however there are no levels of achievement. When grading a student using a grading guide the instructor writes comments for each criterion and assigns a score. The overall score is then automatically calculated. If used, the rubric/grading guide is visible to students, both before they submit to the Assignment and when reviewing their grade and feedback. Once the instructor builds a rubric or grading guide it can be used for any Assignment in any of their courses.


Build a Rubric

  1. While viewing the assignment, click on the gear icon in the upper right to open the Assignment administration block. Then click on Advanced Grading.

 Advanced Grading link under Assignment Administration

  1. If you did not set the grading method in the settings to Rubric, do so now.

 change active grading method to rubric

  1. To build a new rubric choose “Define new grading form from scratch.” If instead you want to use a previously built rubric, skip down to the Use a Previously Built Rubric/Grading Guide section.

 define new grading form from scratch button

  1. Give the rubric a name. If desired, provide a description.

 rubric name and description

  1. Click to edit the name/text of first criterion.

 click to edit criterion

  1. Click the edit the name/text of the first level. Set the point value for this level.

 click to edit level and points

  1. Repeat for each level.
  1. To add another level, click Add Level. To remove a level, click the X.

 add level or click x to delete level

  1. Click Add criterion to add another criterion.

 add criterion

  1. Repeat steps 6-9 for each criterion.
  1. We recommend keeping the defaults for the Rubric Options, but there is one you might need to change to ensure your rubric calculates correctly. If your first level is worth 0 points, then make sure the box “calculate grade based on the rubric having a minimum score of 0” is checked. If it is checked but your first level is not worth 0 points, the scores will not calculate correctly. If your first level is not worth 0 points, make sure this box is unchecked.

 rubric options

  1. If your rubric is ready, click “save rubric and make it ready.” If you are still editing, click “save as draft.” Before you can use a rubric, you must eventually click “save rubric and make it ready.”

 save options

  1. To edit the rubric, from the Advanced Grading area, click “Edit the current form definition.”

 edit the current form definition

  1. To delete the rubric, from the Advanced Grading area, click “delete the currently defined form”

 delete currently defined form button

Build a Grading Guide

  1. While viewing the assignment, click on the gear icon in the upper right to open the Assignment administration block. Then click on Advanced Grading.

 advanced grading link under assignment administration

  1. If you did not set the grading method in the settings to Grading Guide, do so now.

 active grading method

  1. To build a new grading guide choose “Define new grading form from scratch.” If instead you want to use a previously built grading guide, skip down to the Use a Previously Built Rubric/Grading Guide section.

 define new grading form button

  1. Give the grading guide a name. If desired, provide a description.

 define grading guide name and description

  1. Enter a criterion name.

 click to edit criterion name

  1. Enter a description visible to students.

 description for students

  1. Enter a description for graders.

 description for graders

  1. Enter the Maximum Score for this criterion.

 maximum score

  1. Click Add Criterion to add another criterion.

 add criterion

  1. Repeat steps 6-9 for each criterion.
  1. If you believe you will be using certain comments over and over when grading, you can pre-build them under Frequently Use Comments. Enter the comment in the “click to edit” box and then click “Add frequently used comment.” Repeat for each comment.

 frequently use comments

  1. If your grading guide is ready, click “save grading guide and make it ready.” If you are still editing, click “save as draft.” Before you can use a grading guide, you must eventually click “save grading guide and make it ready.”

 save options

  1. To edit the grading guide, from the Advanced Grading area, click “Edit the current form definition.”

 edit the current form definition button

  1. To delete the grading guide, from the Advanced Grading area, click “delete the currently defined form.”

 delete the currently defined form button

Use a Previously Built Rubric/Grading Guide

  1. From the Advanced Grading page, click on “Create new grading form from a template.”

 create new grading form from a template button

  1. Check the box for “include my own forms” and enter the name of the rubric/grading guide in the search box. Click Search.

 search box for grading forms

  1. Underneath the rubric/grading guide you wish to use, click “use this form as a template.”

 use this form as a template link

  1. On the confirmation page click Continue.

 continue button

  1. If you wish to edit the rubric/grading guide, click “edit the current form definition.” Otherwise the rubric/grading guide is ready to be used.

 edit the current form definition button