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eWPAF Container Creation Process for Lecturers

Note: eWPAF containers for lecturers with teaching duties, librarians/counselors/lecturers with non-teaching duties, and lecturers with a combination of teaching and non-teaching duties are located in Community.


  1. At least five weeks prior to when the WPAFs are due, the designated custodian of file (CoF) for each college will send to IDS ( an Excel sheet of eWPAF containers to be created for that term. See CoF Template below for what information needs to be included in this spreadsheet.
    • In Fall, the lecturers sheet should include those on fall one-semester appointments, those with full-time one-year appointments, those eligible for an initial three-year appointment, and those in year three of a three-year appointment.
    • In Spring, the lecturers sheet should include those on spring one-semester appointments and those on part-time one-year appointments.
    • On the sheet please indicate the appropriate template for each container (see CoF Template below).
  1. IDS will batch create containers, bulk enroll owners, and notify the CoF of completion within 2 business days.
  2. CoF will then notify faculty members that eWPAF containers are available in Community.
  3. CoF will remove faculty member’s role and add reviewers to each eWPAF container at the appropriate date.
  4. CoF member will remove reviewers and re-add the faculty member’s role when the review period has ended.


  • Please see the official timetable for periodic evaluation of lecturers each academic year for specific dates.
  • eWPAF containers will not be individually created prior to the bulk creation process. Faculty wishing to get a head start can collect materials into folders on their computer or in cloud storage for later upload to their eWPAF container.
  • If it is less than five weeks until the due date and the faculty member does not see their container, they should contact their CoF.
    • If the list has not yet been sent to IDS, CoF will send the list.
    • If the list has already been sent to CoF and the faculty member was not on the list, or there is a problem, CoF will contact IDS to resolve.
  • If the faculty member does not see a past eWPAF container, they should contact their CoF to restore their access.
  • The Dean’s Office will alert IDS when a new CoF is designated.

COF Template:

Faculty first name
Faculty last name
Faculty CSUSM email address
Container name*

*Container name examples:

  • One semester appointment: “Doe, John AY 17/18 Fall”
  • One-year appointment: “Doe, John AY 17/18”
  • Three-year appointment: “Doe, John AY 15/16 – AY 17/18”
  • Note: If the faculty member teaches in more than one college, please indicate the college or specific department in the container name. For example, “PYSC Doe, John AY 17/18” or “Doe, John AY 17/18 PYSC”


  • Appendix A is for lecturers who only teach.
  • Appendix B is for lecturers with non-teaching duties (including librarians, counselors, etc.).
  • Appendix C is for lecturers who have a mix of teaching and non-teaching duties.
  • Note: For more information, please see the Lecturer Evaluation Policy.