eWPAF Container Creation Process for Lecturers
Note: eWPAF containers for lecturers with teaching duties, librarians/counselors/lecturers with non-teaching duties, and lecturers with a combination of teaching and non-teaching duties are located in Community.
- At least five weeks prior to when the WPAFs are due, the designated custodian of file (CoF) for
each college will send to IDS (cchelp@csusm.edu) an Excel sheet of eWPAF containers to be created for that term. See CoF Template below for what information needs to be included in this spreadsheet.
- In Fall, the lecturers sheet should include those on fall one-semester appointments, those with full-time one-year appointments, those eligible for an initial three-year appointment, and those in year three of a three-year appointment.
- In Spring, the lecturers sheet should include those on spring one-semester appointments and those on part-time one-year appointments.
- On the sheet please indicate the appropriate template for each container (see CoF Template below).
- IDS will batch create containers, bulk enroll owners, and notify the CoF of completion within 2 business days.
- CoF will then notify faculty members that eWPAF containers are available in Community.
- CoF will remove faculty member’s role and add reviewers to each eWPAF container at the appropriate date.
- CoF member will remove reviewers and re-add the faculty member’s role when the review period has ended.
- Please see the official timetable for periodic evaluation of lecturers each academic year for specific dates.
- eWPAF containers will not be individually created prior to the bulk creation process. Faculty wishing to get a head start can collect materials into folders on their computer or in cloud storage for later upload to their eWPAF container.
- If it is less than five weeks until the due date and the faculty member does not see
their container, they should contact their CoF.
- If the list has not yet been sent to IDS, CoF will send the list.
- If the list has already been sent to CoF and the faculty member was not on the list, or there is a problem, CoF will contact IDS to resolve.
- If the faculty member does not see a past eWPAF container, they should contact their CoF to restore their access.
- The Dean’s Office will alert IDS when a new CoF is designated.
COF Template:
Faculty first name
Faculty last name
Faculty CSUSM email address
Container name*
*Container name examples:
- One semester appointment: “Doe, John AY 17/18 Fall”
- One-year appointment: “Doe, John AY 17/18”
- Three-year appointment: “Doe, John AY 15/16 – AY 17/18”
- Note: If the faculty member teaches in more than one college, please indicate the college or specific department in the container name. For example, “PYSC Doe, John AY 17/18” or “Doe, John AY 17/18 PYSC”
- Appendix A is for lecturers who only teach.
- Appendix B is for lecturers with non-teaching duties (including librarians, counselors, etc.).
- Appendix C is for lecturers who have a mix of teaching and non-teaching duties.
- Note: For more information, please see the Lecturer Evaluation Policy.