Your  Account:

Report an Incident

What is a security incident?

A security incident can include suspicious, inappropriate or unauthorized activity related to university computer systems, networks or physical property.  This could include unauthorized access to your account or your computer, lost or stolen equipment or reports, exposure of protected information to unauthorized persons, a compromised computer system or misuse of campus information assets.

Why should I report a security incident?

Under CSU-wide and campus acceptable use policies, we are required to report loss or theft of equipment, along with any knowledge or reasonable suspicion of an information security breach.  When a report is received, the Information Security team immediately evaluates incidents to determine if there is exposure of protected information. When a problem is promptly reported,  we are generally able to take steps to ensure that there is no unauthorized access to confidential or sensitive data.  If you know, or even suspect a security incident has occurred, or you know of a situation which might result in a security incident, please contact us right away.  

How do I report a security incident? 

Emergencies or threats

If there is an emergency situation, or a threat to a person's safety call 911. After the police, please fill out the information security incident response form with as much information as you can.

Property loss or damage

If there is a property loss or damage, please contact University Police Dispatch at 760-750-4567.   After contacting University Police, please fill out the information security incident response form with as much information as you can.

Spam and phishing messages

Email spam or phishing messages should be forwarded to  The "abuse" team will take steps to protect the campus from responding to those messages.   If you responded to a phishing message with your username and password, please fill out the information security incident response form so that we can evaluate the severity of the situation.

Compromised computer system

For medium or high severity incidents such as a compromised system (i.e. it has been infected by malware or you suspect that someone has access to your username and password), loss of a computer, exposure of protected information, etc.  please fill out the information security incident response form with as much information as you can.  If you believe that there is an existing or imminent security breach which is causing or will result in unauthorized access or exposure to confidential information please call the Information Security Office at 760-750-4787, or, if after hours contact University Police Dispatch at 760-750-4567.

If you have questions or a situation you wish to discuss please do not hesitate to contact the Information Security Office at 760-750-4787.