Encrypted Email Instructions
Encrypting an Email Message:
Information Security Responsible Use Policy states that "Users must not access or transmit unencrypted Level 1 data over a public network." To adhere to this policy, we offer our users the ability to encrypt any email message simply by putting "csusm-encrypt" (not case-sensitive) in to the subject line of any email they wish to encrypt. A user may put the encryption phrase anywhere in the subject line. Download PDF here Encrypted Email Instructions.
Decrypting an Email Message:
If you are the recipient of an encrypted message, the following instructions will help you to decrypt your message.
To decrypt your message, right click the email attachment titled "message.html" and save the HTML file to your local hard drive.
If you use Google Chrome as your default browser you will have to right click on the HTML file and open the file with either Firefox or Internet Explorer.
Once you have opened the HTML file you will be directed to sign in and view the encrypted message. Click "Sign in," and you will be directed to sign in with either your “Microsoft Account,” or a “Work or school account.”
Click "Work or School Account" to sign in with your campus credentials.
You will be directed to the following page:
If you are unable to sign in with your campus credentials you may request a one-time passcode that will be emailed to the same email address as the encrypted message.