Your  Account:

Manage Assignment Submissions


View All Submissions

Navigate to the submission inbox page to view and manage submissions.

  1. From your course homepage, click on the Assignment you want to view/manage.
  1. Select the View all submissions button.

 View All Submissions button

Adjust Display

Adjust the display of the submissions inbox page to better manage student submissions. Options include collapsing and expanding table columns, sorting the table, adjusting assignments per page, and filtering results.

Collapse / Expand Table Columns

Note: the visibility of some columns depends on the options selected in the settings when creating the Assignment. Click on the minus button underneath column headings to collapse columns you don't need to view. Collapse Column Icon

Expand the column back into view by clicking on the expand icon or selecting Reset table preferences.

Expand Columns

Sort the Order

Sort the order of submissions by clicking on a column heading, for example, last modified submission.

Sort Table

Other Options

Scroll to the bottom of the View All Submissions page to adjust Assignments per page and add a Filter as needed. 

Filter submissions

Edit Submission Status

Edit allows you to upload a file on the behalf of a student, grant extensions, and unlock submissions. Actions can be applied to individual students or in bulk. Familiarize yourself with the options before taking action.

Edit Individual Submissions

On the table, click the Edit for an individual student.

edit submission

The options available vary depending on your assignment settings and the current status of the submission. Below is an explanation of each option.



Update grade

Assign a new grade.

Prevent submission changes

Lock the submission so a student can no longer update the submission. This action is often applied as a bulk action. This action isn't needed if the assignment has a cut-off date that is enabled and has occurred.

Edit submission

Upload a file on behalf of a student.

Allow Submission Changes

Unlock the submission so the student can update or replace their original submission.

Grant Extension

Extend one student's due date.

Allow another attempt

This action is often used in error and it is not reversible. The student's first attempt and any feedback you provided will be archived, but will no longer be available on the submissions inbox page. If the student does not submit an additional attempt, there will be no attempt listed. If you simply want to unlock their first attempt, then choose "Allow Submission Changes" instead. 

User Override

Another option for granting extensions or setting an alterative timeframe for a student, or a group of students, is to use the User overrides/Group overrides feature available in the Assignment administration block. To access click the on the gear icon in the upper right and then click User Overrides or Group Overrides.

Bulk Actions

Before applying a bulk action, make sure it is the action you intend by familiarizing yourself with the options. 

  1. Select all or multiple submissions by checking the box in the lefthand column of the submission table.
  2. Scroll down and to find the With selected... menu.
  3. Select one of the options described below and click Go to apply the bulk action.



Lock Submissions

Depending on your assignment settings, it may be possible for students to revise their submission after the due date. Lock submissions to stop any additional changes to submissions. 

Unlock Submissions

 Give students an opportunity to update or replace their original submission.

Download Selected Submissions

Download multiple submissions at a time in a zipped folder. 

Grant Extension 

 Extend the due date.

Allow Another Attempt

This action is often used in error and it is not reversible. The student's first attempt and any feedback you provided will be archived, but will no longer be available on the submissions inbox page. If the student does not submit an additional attempt, there will be no attempt listed. If you simply want to unlock their first attempt, then choose "Allow Submission Changes" instead. 

Send Feedback Files

Upload the same feedback to multiple students. If you are looking to upload separate files to separate students,  use the Grading action Upload Multiple Feedback Files in a Zip instead. 

Quick Grading

In the Options menu, check the box to enable Quick grading. Then, enter grades and feedback for students directly onto the View all submissions page. 

quick grading

Important: After entering grades, click the button to Save all quick grading changes. Save changes before moving to the next page or before changing the Assignments per page setting.

For more in-depth grading, including the ability to view and markup the submission in the browser, click the Grade button for the submission you wish to grade. See the Assignment Grader guide for more information on this.

Grading Actions

At the top of the View all Submissions page, there is a Grading action menu that can be used to download all submissions, upload multiple feedback files in a zip, or download and upload a grading worksheet for offline grading.

grading actions menu

Download All Submissions

Download all student submissions to a zipped folder. The naming convention for the files will include the student's name and the title of their submission. 

Upload Multiple Feedback Files in a Zip

Feedback files is a feedback type that can be enabled in the assignment settings. This feedback type is frequently used to give students feedback by using Microsoft Word's markup and tracking features. An efficient way to provide this type of feedback to students is to first use the grading action Download all Submissions to download all papers to a zipped folder. Open each file and use Microsoft Word's markup and tracking features. Save changes to each file in the folder without changing file names. Re-zip the folder. Then, use the Upload Multiple Feedback Files in a Zip grading action to upload the marked up files for each student. 

Note: Alternatively, consider taking advantage of the annotation features offered in the Assignment Grader as an efficient alternative that encourages students to take ownership in the revision process. 

Download / Upload Grading Worksheet

The Offline Grading Worksheet is a feedback type that can be enabled in the assignment settings. Use Grading Actions to Download grading worksheet. Grade offline by editing this spreadsheet to add grades and feedback comments. When you are finished entering grades, be sure to save the modified spreadsheet as a .csv file. Then, use the grading action Upload Grading Worksheet to upload grades and feedback.