Chat Tool
Why Do This?
The chat tool can be used as a basic form of synchronous communication for both faculty to students and students to students. The functionality is basic with text. You can see all the student who are in the chat room at the time. For a more robust synchrounous tool we recommend you use Zoom.
General Settings
- In your course, go to the topic/section where you want the chat room and at the bottom of the section click "Create Learning Activity" in the lower left.
- On the Activities tab, click on Chat.
- Fill in the name of the chat room and any description you want. At this time, you
can click Save and Display or go through other optional chat settings.
- Other optional set up features can be chosen.
- You can select the date and time of the chat session.
- If you don't want to set a recurring weekly or daily time, then you can use it anytime, by selecting Don't Publish Any Times.
- If you want to save the chat logs for review and allow student groups to view the logs if needed, select Yes, for Everyone can View Past Sessions.
- To save the chat logs for the entire course, select Never Delete Messages.
- If you want student groups to each have a separate chat space, then under CommonModule Settings, select on Separate Groups. This will create a private chat room for each group.
- Select Save and Display when done.
Using the Chat Tool
- After clicking Save and Display, click on Click Here to Enter Chat Room.
- A pop-up window will open so make sure your pop-up blockers are turned off.
- You will see your name on the right hand side of the window, along as anyone else in the room.
- You can make a few customized settings, like sound when a person enters the room and
different looking icons and styles.
- When a person types a message, it will show the name and timestamp of the poster.
- This information will be saved in the chat logs if needed for later use.