RTP Container Creation Process for Tenure Track Faculty
Note: RTP containers are located in Community. This process covers the creation of RTP containers for review years 1, 3, 5 and Post Tenure (PETF). The process for RTP containers for all other review years (i.e. 2, 4, Tenure and/or Promotion) is separate. Questions concerning those containers and process should be directed to Veronica Arias in Faculty Affairs.
- By August 1, the designated custodian of file (CoF) will send to IDS (cchelp@csusm.edu) an Excel sheet of RTP containers to be created for that term. See CoF Template below.
- IDS will batch create containers, bulk enroll owners, and notify CoF of completion within 2 business days.
- CoF will notify faculty members that containers are available in Community.
- CoF will remove the faculty member’s role and add reviewers to each RTP container at the appropriate date.
- CoF will remove reviewers when the review period has ended.
- Please see the official RTP calendar each academic year for specific dates.
- RTP containers for will not be individually created prior to the bulk creation process.
- Faculty can be given a working container in Community not tied to a specific academic year that can be used to store documents, restore backed up RTP or Community containers, and prepare for an upcoming evaluation cycle. Only one working container will be created, and this container will not be used/seen in the evaluation process.
- If a faculty member does not see their upcoming AY container and it is after August
1, they should contact their CoF.
- If the list has not yet been sent to IDS, CoF will send the list.
- If the list has already been sent to IDS and the faculty member was not on the list, or there is a problem, CoF will contact IDS to resolve.
- The Dean’s Office will alert IDS when a new CoF is designated.
CoF Template:
Faculty first name
Faculty last name
Faculty CSUSM email address
Container name*
*Example: Doe, John AY 18/19