Add a Rubric/Grading Guide to a Forum
Why Do This?
An instructor can build a rubric or grading guide within Cougar Courses to use when grading a forum using whole forum grading (not available with Ratings). Please see our help guide on forum settings for more information on enabling whole forum grading. A rubric is a series of criterion with levels of achievement for each. When grading a student using a rubric the instructor chooses the level of achievement for each criterion and the overall score is automatically calculated. A grading guide is a series of criterion worth a certain number of points, however there are no levels of achievement. When grading a student using a grading guide the instructor writes comments for each criterion and assigns a score. The overall score is then automatically calculated. If used, the rubric/grading guide is visible to students, both before they post to the Forum and when reviewing their grade and feedback. Once the instructor builds a rubric or grading guide it can be used for any forum in any of their courses.
Build a Rubric
- While viewing the forum, click on the gear icon in the upper right to open the Forum administration block. Then click on Advanced Grading.
- If you did not set the grading method in the settings to Rubric, do so now.
- To build a new rubric choose “Define new grading form from scratch.” If instead you want to use a previously built rubric, skip down to the Use a Previously Built Rubric/Grading Guide section.
- Give the rubric a name. If desired, provide a description.
- Click to edit the name/text of first criterion.
- Click the edit the name/text of the first level. Set the point value for this level.
- Repeat for each level.
- To add another level, click Add Level. To remove a level, click the X.
- Click Add criterion to add another criterion.
- Repeat steps 6-9 for each criterion.
- We recommend keeping the defaults for the Rubric Options.
- If your rubric is ready, click “save rubric and make it ready.” If you are still editing, click “save as draft.” Before you can use a rubric, you must eventually click “save rubric and make it ready.”
- To edit the rubric, from the Advanced Grading area, click “Edit the current form definition.”
- To delete the rubric, from the Advanced Grading area, click “delete the currently defined form”
Build a Grading Guide
- While viewing the forum, click on the gear icon in the upper right to open the Forum administration block. Then click on Advanced Grading.
- If you did not set the grading method in the settings to Grading Guide, do so now.
- To build a new grading guide choose “Define new grading form from scratch.” If instead you want to use a previously built grading guide, skip down to the Use a Previously Built Rubric/Grading Guide section.
- Give the grading guide a name. If desired, provide a description.
- Enter a criterion name.
- Enter a description visible to students.
- Enter a description for graders.
- Enter the Maximum Score for this criterion.
- Click Add Criterion to add another criterion.
- Repeat steps 6-9 for each criterion.
- If you believe you will be using certain comments over and over when grading, you can pre-build them under Frequently Use Comments. Enter the comment in the “click to edit” box and then click “Add frequently used comment.” Repeat for each comment.
- If your grading guide is ready, click “save grading guide and make it ready.” If you are still editing, click “save as draft.” Before you can use a grading guide, you must eventually click “save grading guide and make it ready.”
- To edit the grading guide, from the Advanced Grading area, click “Edit the current form definition.”
- To delete the grading guide, from the Advanced Grading area, click “delete the currently defined form.”
Use a Previously Built Rubric/Grading Guide
- From the Advanced Grading page, click on “Create new grading form from a template.”
- Check the box for “include my own forms” and enter the name of the rubric/grading guide in the search box. Click Search.
- Underneath the rubric/grading guide you wish to use, click “use this form as a template.”
- On the confirmation page click Continue.
- If you wish to edit the rubric/grading guide, click “edit the current form definition.” Otherwise the rubric/grading guide is ready to be used.