Your  Account:

Forum Subscription and Tracking

Why Do This?

Are you automatically receiving emails from a Forum that you recently created – emails that you don’t want to receive? It could be that your Forum preferences (in your User preferences) have been set to auto-subscribe to any Forum in which you post. Follow the steps below to turn off these automatic emails.

Access Your Preferences

1. Log on to Cougar Courses.

2. Go to your "My Courses" page and choose Preferences. 

Preferences button location

3. Choose Forum preferences.
select forum preferences

4. Change the entry in Forum auto-subscribe to No: don’t automatically subscribe me to forum discussions.
change forum auto subscribe to no: don't automatically subscribe me to forum discussions

Unsubscribe From Individual Forum Posts

1. Click the forum name on the course homepage.

2. In the Administration block, click on Unsubscribe from this forum.
unsubscribe from forum


Tracking Unread Posts

If you still want to be able to track new posts inside your Forums (when you go into the Forum):

1. Go to your "My Courses" page and choose Preferences. 

2. Choose Forum preferences. Change the entry in Forum tracking to Yes: highlight new posts for me.

track forum posts setting to yes

3. When you return to your course and look at a topic that has new forum posts you have not viewed, the presence of unread posts will be noted on the main course page.

Graphic displaying unread post notification

4. Click on the forum and you will be able to see which discussion question has unread posts.

Screen shot showing number of unread forum posts