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Grade Essay Questions

Why do this?

Students will not see an overall score for their quiz until you grade any manually graded questions like Essay questions. To make grading easier for you, the responses are grouped by question and not by student. If you will be providing feedback to students on their Essay responses, in the Review Options section of the settings you want to check the boxes for The Attempt and Specific Feedback (likely After the Quiz is Closed), otherwise students will not be able to see your feedback to their responses.

Grade Essay Questions

  1. Click on your quiz on your course homepage.
  2. Click the gear icon in the upper right to open the Quiz Administration block. Then click the arrow next to Results to expand the menu. If you accidentally click on the word Results, wait for the page to load, then you will need to click the gear icon again to reopen the Quiz Administration block.
  3. Click Manual grading.

    manual grade link

  4. This will bring you to the page that will show all of the questions that need to be manually graded. For each question you will see how many still need to be graded, how many have already been graded, and the total. Click “grade all” for the question you wish to grade.

    Grade All link

  5. Set your desired options: which attempts to grade (all, those that need grading, or those that have been previously graded), the number of question responses to display on one page, and the order of the responses (randomly, by date, or by student name).

    Manual grading select question to grade

  6. When finished setting your options, click Change Options.
  7. Below each response enter your feedback in the Comment field. Then enter the score for that response in the “Points” field just below.

    Feedback box and grade box for each response
    *Note: if you entered anything in the Grader Information box when creating the question, it will be displayed above the Comment box.

  8. Scroll down to the next response and continue grading the responses on this page. When you reach the bottom click "Save and go to the next page."
  9. Once all responses to that question are graded (and saved) scroll to the top and click “Back to the list of questions”.
  10. Select grade all for the next question. Repeat until all questions have been graded.
  11. Verify there is a "0" in the “To grade” column for all questions.

number of questions to grade and number that have been graded